Systemic balance is critical to one’s health and wellness, in western medicine this is known as homeostasis.  Any imbalance can result in disorders such as pain, injury, insomnia, digestive issues, stress, gynecological disorders, allergies, depression, colds and a myriad of other complications.  Acupuncture helps restore one’s natural balance so organs and bodily systems can work together in harmony.  This sets the stage for the body to repair itself and maintain its own optimal health.
From a Western medicine perspective, research has shown that acupuncture treatment triggers different physiological responses, such as:

  • Stimulating the immune system and increasing white blood cells, which defend the body against infection.
  • Regulating blood sugar metabolism, to help the body use energy more efficiently.
  • Increasing blood circulation and producing beneficial changes in blood pressure; Decreasing cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Increasing stomach peristaltic activity and regulating digestive fluids, thereby improving digestion.
  • Regulating and stimulating serotonin, a neurotransmitter that is directly related to sleep, appetite, and moods.
  • Increasing the availability of receptors in the brain that process and weaken pain signals.